A neuro-immune circuit mediates cancer cachexia-associated apathy
S. Starosta*, A. Zhu*, M. Ferrer Gonzales, J. Hou, Q. Chevy, F. Lucantonio, F. Zhang, R. Munoz-Castaneda, M. Bergstrom, M. Wulf, S. Evans, A. Siebels, A. Kravitz, P. Osten, T. Janowitz, M. Pignatelli* , A. Kepecs*. (2023)
Imaging of dendrites and sparse interneuronal networks with 3D random access microscopy
B. Rózsa, Z Szadai, L. Judák, B. Chiovini, G. Juhász ... A Kepecs. Optics and the Brain (2023) BW3B. 6
Monosynaptic restriction of the anterograde herpes simplex virus strain H129 for neural circuit tracing
KB Fischer, HK Collins, Y Pang, DS Roy, S Zhang, Feng, G, A Kepecs, Callaway EM. Journal of Comparative Neurology (2023)
A cortical circuit for orchestrating oromanual food manipulation
X An, KSH Matho, Y Li, H Mohan, XH Xu, I Whishaw, A Kepecs*, ZJ Huang*. bioRxiv (2022) 2022.12. 03.51896
Prospective Learning: Back to the Future
Vogelstein, Joshua T., Timothy Verstynen, Konrad P. Kording, Leyla Isik, John W. Krakauer, Ralph Etienne-Cummings, Elizabeth L. Ogburn et al.. arXiv preprint (2022) arXiv:2201.07372
Cortex-wide response mode of VIP-expressing inhibitory neurons by reward and punishment
Z Szadai, HJ Pi, Q Chevy, K Ócsai, DF Albeanu, B Chiovini, G Szalay, A Kepecs*, B Rozsa*. Elife (2022) 11, E78815
Cognition and the single neuron: How cell types construct the dynamic computations of frontal cortex
Christensen, A. J., Ott, T., & Kepecs, A.. Current Opinion in Neurobiology (2022) 77, 102630
Apparent sunk cost effect in rational agents
Ott T, P Masset, TS Gouvêa, Kepecs A. Science Advances (2022) 8(6):eabi7004
Computational Psychiatry Across Species to Study the Biology of Hallucinations
Schmack K, Ott T, Kepecs A.. JAMA psychiatry (2022) Jan 1;79(1):75-6
Rats use memory confidence to guide decisions
Joo HR, Liang H, Chung JE, Geaghan-Breiner C, Fan JL, Nachman BP, Kepecs A, Frank LM.. Current Biology (2021) Oct 25;31(20):4571-83
Causal Manipulation of Anterior Cingulate Neurons in Mice and Human Selectively Affects Approach during Reward-Threat Conflict
Bonda D, Rolle C, Shivacharan R, Johnson N, Barbosa D, Wulf M, Etkin A, Williams N, Parvizii J, Kepecs A, Halpern C.. Journal of Neurosurgery (2021) 2021;132(2)
Striatal dopamine mediates hallucination-like perception in mice
Schmack, K., M. Bosc, T. Ott, J. F. Sturgill, Kepecs A. Science (2021) Apr 2;372(6537):eabf4740
Distinct synchronization, cortical coupling and behavioral function of two basal forebrain cholinergic neuron types.
Laszlovszky T, D. Schlingloff, T.F. Freund, A. Gulyás, Kepecs A, B. Hangya. Nat Neurosci. (2021) 2Aug;23(8):992-1003
Behavior- and Modality-General Representation of Confidence in Orbitofrontal Cortex
Masset P, Ott T, Lak A, Hirokawa J, Kepecs A.. Cell (2020) Jul 9;182(1):112-126.e18. PMID: 32504542
Reinforcement biases subsequent perceptual decisions when confidence is low, a widespread behavioral phenomenon
Lak A, Hueske E, Hirokawa J, Masset P, Ott T, Urai AE, Donner TH, Carandini M, Tonegawa S, Uchida N, Kepecs A.. Elife (2020) Apr 15;9:e49834. doi: 10.7554/eLife.49834
Reconfigurable nanophotonic silicon probes for sub-millisecond deep-brain optical stimulation
Mohanty, A, Li, Q, Tadayon, MA, Bhatt, G, Shim, E, Ji X, Cardenas, J. Miller, SA, Kepecs, A* and Lipson, M*. Nat Biomed Eng. (2020) Feb;4(2):223-231. doi: 10.1038/s41551-020-0516-y
Dopaminergic and Prefrontal Basis of Learning from Sensory Confidence and Reward Value
Lak, A, Michael Okun, Morgane Moss, Harsha Gurnani, Karolina Farrell, Miles J Wells, Charu Bai Reddy, Kepecs A, Kenneth D Harris, Matteo Carandini. Neuron (2020) 2020 Feb 19;105(4):700-711.e6
The pheromone darcin drives a circuit for innate and reinforced behaviours
Demir, E, Li, K, Bobrowski-Khoury, N, Sanders, JI, Beynon, RJ, Hurst, JL, Kepecs, A* and Axel, R*. Nature (2020) Feb;578(7793):137-141
R-learning in actor-critic model offers a biologically relevant mechanism for sequential decision-making
Shuvaev, S., Starosta, S., Kvitsiani, D., Kepecs, A., & Koulakov, A.. Advances in neural information processing systems (2020) 33, 18872-18882
Frontal cortex neuron types categorically encode single decision variables
Hirokawa J, Vaughan A, Ott, T., Masset, P. & Kepecs A. Nature (2019) Dec;576(7787):446-451. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1816-9
The Neurobiology of Confidence: From Beliefs to Neurons
Ott T, Masset P, Kepecs A.. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. (2018) 6:038935. PMID: 31387872
Summary: Order and Disorder in Brains and Behavior
Kepecs A.. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol (2018) 83:219-225.PMID: 31358660
A viral receptor complementation strategy to overcome CAV-2 tropism for efficient retrograde targeting of neurons
Li, S, Vaughan A, J.F. Sturgill & Kepecs A. Neuron (2018) 98(5):905-917.e5
Midbrain Dopamine Neurons Signal Belief in Choice Accuracy during a Perceptual Decision
Lak, A., Nomoto, K., Keramati, M., Sakagami, M. & Kepecs A.. Current Biology (2017) Volume 27, Issue 6p821-832
Categorical representation of decision-variables in orbitofrontal cortex
Hirokawa J, Vaughan A & Kepecs A. BioRXiv, doi.org/10.1101/135707 (2017)
To the Cloud! A Grassroots Proposal to Accelerate Brain Science Discovery
Neuro Cloud Consortium. Neuron (2016) 92(3):622-627
A mathematical framework for statistical decision confidence
Hangya, B., Sanders, J.I. & Kepecs A.. Neural Computation (2016) 28:1-20
Signatures of a statistical computation in the human sense, of confidence
Sanders, J.I., Hangya, B. & Kepecs A.. Neuron 90(3):499-506 (2016)
Demixed principal component analysis of neural population data
Kobak D, Brendel W, Constantinidis C, Feierstein CE, Kepecs A, Mainen ZF, Romo R, Qi XL, Uchida N, Machens CK. Elife (2016) Apr 12;5. pii: e10989
Confidence and certainty: distinct probabilistic quantities for different goals
Pouget A, Drugowitsch J, Kepecs A.. Nat Neurosci (2016) Feb 23;19(3):366-74
Emotor control: computations underlying bodily resource allocation, emotions, and confidence
Kepecs A. & Mensh B,D.. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience (2015) Dec;17(4):391-401
Central cholinergic neurons are rapidly recruited by reinforcement feedback
Hangya, B., Ranade, S., Lorenc, M. & Kepecs A.. Cell Aug 27;162(5):1155-68 (2015)
A rapid and tunable method to temporally control Cas9 expression enables the identification of essential genes and the interrogation of functional gene interactions in vitro and in vivo
Senturk, S, Shirole, N.H., Nowak, D.D., Corbo, V. Vaughan A., Tuveson D.A., Trotman, L.C., Kepecs, A., Stegmeier, F. & Sordella R.. BioRXiv doi:10.1101/023366 (2015)
A mathematical framework for statistical decision confidence.
Hangya, B., Sanders, J.I. & Kepecs A.. BioRXiv doi:10.1101/017400 (2015)
Optogenetic dissection of the basal forebrain neuromodulatory control of cortical activation, plasticity and cognition
Lin, S.C., Brown, R.E., Shuler, G.H.M., Petersen, C.C.H & Kepecs A.. J. Neurosci. (2015) Oct 14;35(41):13896-903
A low cost programmable pulse generator for neurophysiology and behavior
Sanders J.I. & Kepecs A.. Front. Neuroeng. (2014) Dec 11;7:43
Orbitofrontal cortex is required for behavioral report of perceptual decision confidence
Lak, A., Costa, G.M., Romberg, E., Koulakov A.A., Mainen, Z.F. and Kepecs, A.. Neuron (2014) 84(1):190-201
A developmental cell-type switch in cortical interneurons leads to a selective defect in gamma oscillations
Takada, N, Pi H.J., Sousa V.H., Waters, J., Fishell, G., Kepecs, A, and & Osten, P.. Nature Communications (2014) 30;5:533
Cortical interneurons that specialize in disinhibitory control
Pi, H.J., Hangya, B., Kvitsiani, D., Sanders, J.I., Huang, Z. J. & Kepecs A.. Nature (2013) 20:503(7477):521–524
Distinct behavioural and network functions of two interneuron classes in prefrontal cortex
Kvitsiani, D., Ranade, S., Hangya, B., Tanaguchi, H., Huang, Z. J. & Kepecs A.. Nature (2013) 20;498(7454):363-6
Multiple modes of phase locking between sniffing and whisking during active exploration
Ranade, S., Hangya, B & Kepecs, A.. J Neurosci. (2013) 8;33(19):8250-6
The limits of deliberation in a perceptual decision task
Zariwala, H.A., Kepecs, A., Uchida N., Hirokawa J. and Mainen Z.F.. Neuron (2013) 24;78(2):339-51
Choice Ball: a response interface for psychometric discrimination in head-fixed mice
Sanders J, Kepecs A.. J Neurophysiol. (2012) 2012 Dec;108(12):3416-23
A computational framework for studying confidence in humans and animals
Kepecs, A. Mainen Z.F.. Philosophical Transactions B (2012) 367(1594):1322-37
Neural correlates and behavioral impact of decision confidence
Kepecs, A., Uchida, N., Zariwala, H., Mainen, Z.F.. Nature (2008) 455 (7210):227-31. PMID: 18690210
Rapid and precise control of sniffing during olfactory discrimination in rats
Kepecs, A., Uchida, N., Mainen, Z.F.. Journal of Neurophysiology (2007) 98(1):206-213
Gating information by two-state membrane potential fluctuations
Kepecs, A., Ragachavari, S.. Journal of Neurophysiology (2007) 97(4):3015-23
How to read a burst duration code
Kepecs, A., Lisman, J.. Neurocomputing (2004) 58-60:1-6
Information encoding and computation with spikes and bursts
Kepecs, A., Lisman, J.. Network (2002) 14:103-118
Model for a robust neural integrator
Koulakov, A.A., Raghavachari, S., Kepecs, A., Lisman, J.. Nat Neurosci. (2002) 5:775-782
Bursting neurons signal input slope
Kepecs, A., Wang, X.J, Lisman, J.. J Neurosci. (2002) 22:9053-9062
Adaptive spike-timing-dependent plasticity
Tegner, J., Kepecs, A.. Neurocomputing (2002) 44-46:189-194
Three state neurons for contextual processing
Kepecs, A., Ragachavari, S.. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2002) 13:229-236
Why neuronal dynamics should control synaptic learning rules?
Tegner, J., Kepecs, A.. Information Processing Systems (2002) 13:229-236
Analysis of complex bursting in cortical pyramidal neuron models
Kepecs, A., Wang, X.J.. Neurocomputing (2000) 32-33:181-187
Location-dependent differences between somatic and dendritic IPSPs
Lengyel, M., Kepecs, A., Erdi, P.. Neurocomputing (1999) 26-27, 193-197